So it has been over a month now since I started exercising again post birth and a month since I posted about it ( I warned you weekly updates were not likely 🙂 and although  I feel tired, unorganised and a bit overwhelmed a lot of the time and don’t want to exercise, I feel SO GOOD once I have! I have not lost any weight and I still don’t fit into my favourite jeans but once I get out and move I feel really good about myself and feel like I can handle work, kids, study etc. I am a lot more focused and get a lot more out of my day.  Which has lead me to the conclusion that scales suck and I will no longer be looking at them and moping over what they tell me. Forget the scales and stop battling  with yourself to see a number that you have decided all your happiness revolves around. I drive my husband Les nuts when I am in a great mood, look at the scales and then get disheartened and inform him all the exercise I’ve been doing is a waste of time.  How silly that I am ready to write off all the benefits of the  exercise I have done that week. I need an attitude overhaul and my guess is a lot of people do to. Exercise because it makes you HAPPY, because it gives you ENERGY and because its GOOD FOR YOU! Scales cant measure those things!!!!! Oh and I have also decided that I am going to stop using the phrase “get my post baby body back” and give my new one the respect it deserves! It created, grew and nourished a life! Twice! My body rocks- stretch marks and all. I need to look after it so I can continue to use it to lift, carry, cuddle, run and chase after my kids for a lot of years to come. So to all the new mummies, multiple time mummies and old mummies – please be nice to yourselves and remind yourselves that you are pretty awesome!
Here are 2 images that I absolutely love and wanted to share! 🙂 Kate x