Here are some lovely words we recently recieved – thanks Alicia!!!!

Landete Health Clinic is a family friendly environment where mums can feel comfortable knowing their babies are in safe hands whilst working hard to achieve their fitness goals. Since commencing the Post Natal classes last year I have been inspired to push myself further than ever before and with the support and encouragement of Les have exceeded my personal expectations. Exercising with other mums offers a unique opportunity to meet new people whilst allowing infants to engage with one another. Les and his wife Kate make a great team and their commitment to helping individuals reach their personal best is admirable. They provide a flexible service tailored to meet individual needs and ensure you stay on track with weekly fitness challenges and nutritional tips. For anyone who has recently had a baby and dreading returning to exercise I highly recommend training at Landete Health.

Alicia H – June 2013

Mums & Bubs Classes